Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prelude Book I Group Discussion Questions

Group 1: 27-49
Group 2: 50-66
Group 3: 67-81
Group 4: 130-149
Group 5: 150-169
Group 6: 170-185

1. What is the relationship between man and nature in this passage? What power does nature have? What are the obstacles to man accepting or assuming that power?

2. Describe the physical landscape in the section of the poem. What is unique about it? How is it shaping Wordsworth’s mind?

3. Do other people (aside from the speaker) appear in this section, either by direct reference or by implication? If so, how does he relate to them? What are his responsibilities and duties toward them? How do they complicate his relationship with nature?

4. What is happening to the speaker’s mind in this passage? Is he experiencing growth, conflict, regression, etc.? What is the significance of this passage to Wordsworth larger intellectual development?

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